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How does your product use or challenge conventions

There are several ways that we tried to create meanings in our film opening by linking constantly linking it to conventions of thriller films in the industry. Research of other psychological thrillers and media products influenced the construction of our film and we tried to incorporate aspects that audiences would expect in them.

Here are some of the conventions in thriller films that are associated with our film opening : 
  • The narrative centres upon a crime E.g theft, murder
  • Themes of identity are commonly mistaken identity, amnesia and doubles/Doppelgängers
  • Themes of seeing, reflection and mirroring-manipulation of perspective 
  • A series of enigmas are set up - only to be solved at the end 
  • The audience is placed in a the ambiguous position of "voyeur"
  • Protagonist will be in Peril/danger
  • The narrative presents extra ordinary events in ordinary situations/settings
  • The micro-elements are used to build suspense

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