Cute Polka Dotted Blue Bow Tie Ribbon


In order to identify our target audience, I brainstormed a few similar films already on the market with existing resources on the web to see the types of audience those films appealed to. Since our film is a psychological thriller, I decided to branch out from there and the results were :

  • Silence of the Lambs
  • Black Swan
  • Shutter Island
Next, I used YouGov Profiles to gather information and data about the type of audiences that like these films and possibly use this data to predict our target audience. Here is the outcome:

After gathering data about the audiences of similar psychological thriller films on Yougov, I recognised a few patterns amongst the films such as :

  • Typically middle aged viewers
  • Mostly Female 
  • Middle to high income earners
  • Enjoy or has a profession to do with Arts
  • Lives in Urban areas
This pattern has helped me to identify the target audience for our film. Firstly, the majority of our target audience will be female because they are most familiar with the issue of society's obsession for beauty, which is the main theme and cause of the antagonist's actions in this film. However, a small section of the male audience may also be able to recognise and identify with this matter. I believe that if the target audience is aware of the issues and debates linked to this film, it will be more likely to create a lasting impression on them and increase the chances of them recommending and leaving good reviews. In addition to this, our target audience will be adults around 18-30 years of age because of the violence and gruesome content in this psychological thriller that may be unsuitable for children and teenagers. People that have an interest or profession in Art may also fit well in our target audience group because they may be able to appreciate some aesthetically pleasing shots in our film and the slow paced cinematography as well as vintage style colour correcting may appeal to them. In addition they are more likely to be open to a film that is rather different from films in the recent years especially in the horror/thriller genre, where the antagonist of a dark psychological thriller is a psychopathic female.

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