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Peep Hole Effect Trial

I decided to try editing the peep hole effect that we plan to include in our film opening. It is when the camera zooms into the peep hole of the door until we see what is at the other side of it. 
This is the youtube tutorial that I used as a guideline:

Firstly, I found a high quality picture of a peephole from google and did some editing on photoshop.


Then I found another image looking through a hole and made the centre transparent so i can replace it with the desired video :

I then moved onto Adobe Premier Pro to edit the footage. This is done by first zooming in to the HD picture of the peep hole and then fading into black, creating a zooming effect then later have the footage of the room appear by increasing opacity and motion of enlarging the clip.

This is the final product of my peep hole effect trial:

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