Cute Polka Dotted Blue Bow Tie Ribbon

Location Scouting

On the 22nd of January,
Me, Prima and Eye met up together to go on a location scouting where we tried to find the best place to shoot our film opening as we required quite a specific setting. (A simple plain old room with a desk near the bathroom that also has to give out a creepy atmosphere)

Our first destination was Eye's old house where she no longer lives in and her old room where it looks rather old and worn out. However, we quickly decided that it would not be a suitable location as the room looked lived in and friendly with bright orange lights from the curtain and sun. Her room also lacked the desk which is extremely important to showcase our character's daily routine and workspace. However, we did find many useful props that we could use later on such as a sewing kit, old comb, glitter and an old makeup holder.

With the option of filming in Eye's old house crossed out, we had no choice but to go with our original idea, old hotels or motels that are relatively cheap and we can use for a day. Although the idea had some safety issues, we made sure to never separate and only asked for help from friendly looking people in public spaces. Our first source of information came from a kind taxi driver who introduced us to some safer hotels that are cheap around Ari(very convenient).

We visited two Hotels and were extremely lucky to find a good match very quickly. It was the Bangkok Condotel, where we were originally on our way to visit the Elizabeth Hotel and found the entrance tucked away in the corner shown below: 
We asked the hotel staff to show us the rooms before we decided to book it and the interior matched what we needed very well. We decided to use the Bangkok Condotel for shooting our film opening.

Here are more photos and clips from our location scouting day.

:VLOG that Eye made

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