Cute Polka Dotted Blue Bow Tie Ribbon


With the same group (Me, Mickey, and Jenny), we created a short spy thriller clip that we believe contains aspects of conventional spy thriller films for example a man in a suit playing the spy(Mickey), some form of Hi-Tech electronic and people watching his every move. During this project Mickey played the role of the spy and he was in charge of audio and sound effects for our clip, Jenny was in charge of using aftereffects to create special effects such as the surveillance tv effect and I was in charge of the sequencing and colour correcting of the clips. All three of us took part in the filming processes.
Our story board is essentially a spy walking into a public area and hiding into a private room where nobody can see him. He opens up his computer to hack into the system of the building and a system shut down sound effect was used to emphasise the fact that it has been hacked into. The spy then walks out of the room knowing that he is being watched, clicks his fingers and the whole building goes dark, signifying that he gained full control of the building and the people watching him is now powerless and unable to track him.

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