Cute Polka Dotted Blue Bow Tie Ribbon

Heat Camera Work Analysis

Extreme Close Up
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This is extreme close up shot of the first armed robber. It allows the viewer to see his face in detail and see the emotion clearly on his face(which is calm, composed and alert) as he calculates his surroundings and best time to strike
High Angle Shot
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The high angle allows the viewer to see the setting of the bank and the side characters as well as their actions. It conveys a sense of their weakness and insignificance as a shooting is about to occur and predict the helplessness of the people in the bank
Over The Shoulder Shot
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The second shooter can be seen in the center of the frame over the shoulder of the first shooter. It gives the idea that the viewers are seeing the man through the first shooter’s perspective and confirming that these men are working together, directly involved in what is to come
Medium Long Shot
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The third shooter is introduced with a shot that enables the spectator to see the character in the scene of the bank. It can be seen that he is the only person looking towards the direction of the viewers, indicating that he is also someone that is suspicious
Very High Angle Shot
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This shot includes a wide perspective of the chaos and panic that is occurring with the innocent citizens as the shootout begins. The angle helps make the characters appear weak and vulnerable as they go into panic
Canted Shot
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The shot shows a man being fatally shot onto the ground. The horizon line is tilted to suggest the lack of control, chaos and unstable situation, especially to the first death due to the shoot out
Close Up
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The close up of the officer shows the emotions on his face clearly and the urgency to resolve the situation.
Extreme Close up
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Shows the immense focus and concentration of the officer as he aims to shoot the bank robber with the risk of also hitting the hostage. The extreme close up shot increases tension

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